Do You Suffer From Bloated Stomach And Gas After Eating? That's Why

Do You Suffer From Bloated Stomach And Gas After Eating? That's Why
Do You Suffer From Bloated Stomach And Gas After Eating? That's Why

One of the most unpleasant things is gas and bloating. Many people face this problem after eating. They create extreme discomfort to the person and can have a negative impact on his daily habits.

In case of always after eating, your stomach swells, probably due to one of the following reasons:

Eat fast or too much

In order for food to break down enough, and in order for it to be absorbed by the body, you need to emphasize chewing. Some foods are digested in the oral cavity if chewed well enough. Such, for example, are simple sugars.

When chewed, saliva is saturated with food enzymes that help digestion. Only then does the food go down the digestive tract. If you do not chew it properly, it will not form in the right shape, thanks to which it will be processed properly.

fast food cause bloated stomach
fast food cause bloated stomach

If you eat very quickly, you risk disrupting the digestive process. As a result gets bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea - in other words - severe discomfort. If you overeat, the same processes happen or rather do not happen.

Foods that cause gas

Another cause of unpleasant gas and bloating are the foods you consume. You have probably noticed the effect of some of them after consuming them. Such are legumes, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts. Foods that cause gas are also those with artificial sweeteners - pastries, waffles, desserts or candies.

These foods are difficult for the body to digest and lead to this discomfort that we have talked about so far. Foods that contain gluten also cause constipation, bloating and gas. It is especially felt by people with gluten allergies.

Due to the added artificial sugars and sweeteners, carbonated drinks are also not suitable if you suffer from the above conditions.

Too much fiber

fiber causes gas
fiber causes gas

Fruits that contain too much fiber, too cause bloating. These foods are more difficult to digest, despite their beneficial properties.

Swelling of the abdomen can be a sign of illness

One of the possible reasons to experience discomfort after eating is the irritable bowel syndrome. This condition leads to gas, bloating and other similar ailments. Gases are also caused by lactose intolerance or celiac disease.

Slow digestion and metabolism are the cause of constipation. As a result of poor intestinal peristalsis can be reached gas or bloating.

Weak immunity

Weak immunity is also one of the causes of bloating and gas. It is possible that it is an infection with pathological bacteria. Once they enter the colon, they affect its functions.
