Diet For Bloated Stomach

Diet For Bloated Stomach
Diet For Bloated Stomach

The stomach can swell for a variety of reasons. Short-term bloating can be caused by the consumption of carbonated beverages or easily digestible carbohydrates.

Cabbage and potatoes, as well as legumes cause bloating. However, persistent bloating can also be a symptom of the disease and requires consultation with a doctor.

A bloated stomach can be caused by a lack of enough enzymes. If your stomach swells after consuming milk, it means that your body does not have enough enzyme to process dairy products.

Another cause of bloating is the disruption of the microflora in the stomach as a result of improper diet or antibiotics.

A bloated stomach can also be a result of stress. In this case, you should first calm down and then take a walk in the fresh air, if possible in good company.

The bloated diet excludes whole grains from the menu, as well as white bread and products that contain starch. It is recommended to take activated charcoal and preparations with lactobacilli.

Rice diet
Rice diet

The diet for a bloated stomach should include products that contain fiber, they help better digestion and reduce flatulence. Rice is a suitable food for the moments when you feel bloated.

Reduce your consumption of fresh milk and focus on yogurt. Reduce fat, as well as pork and trifles. Emphasize chicken and beef.

Black tea and coffee lead to excessive stomach activity, so people who have problems with bloating should limit the consumption of these drinks.

Carbonated drinks, as well as raw vegetables, should also be excluded from the menu with a bloated stomach. Vegetables should be eaten steamed or roasted.

Apples and cabbage are also bad choices for a bloated stomach. When eating, chew your food well, as this will have a good effect on your digestive system.

With a bloated stomach helps rice diet for a day. Eat boiled rice throughout the day, not throwing away the water in which it has been boiled, but consuming it as well.
