What To Do With A Constantly Bloated Stomach And Gas?

What To Do With A Constantly Bloated Stomach And Gas?
What To Do With A Constantly Bloated Stomach And Gas?

Swollen abdomen and gas - an unpleasant condition that we are sure has happened to everyone. But how to deal if things are not one-time, but happen all the time? Avoiding certain foods such as spicy and legumes is an option, but is a temporary solution to the problem.

What to do with a constantly bloated stomach and gas?

Swollen abdomen and gas they are often caused by irregular eating and eating unhealthy foods such as overeating carbohydrates or spicy foods. If you eat very fast and do not chew your bites enough, you may also get similar complaints.

Traditionally, the fame of legumes is known to lead to bloated stomach and gas. This is especially true of the consumption of beans, lentils or cabbage. But among the foods that will swell your stomach are bread, yeast, yeast in general.

It is quite possible to have bloated belly and because of constipation. This is a condition in which you cannot pass stools regularly and this leads to abdominal discomfort, the formation and excretion of gases and inability to go to the toilet. This condition is unpleasant and painful.

Excessive gas is an indicator of intestinal polyps and intestinal obstruction, as well as the presence of tumor formations.


How to deal with the problem?

First of all, try not to eat beans, cabbage and legumes in general, if you notice that after consuming them you have gas and bloated stomach. And if you love them very much and you can't give them up, you can add parsley or coriander to the dish and this will relieve the symptoms of stomach discomfort. However, eat these foods once a week, no more.

Another option is to stop eating pasta. They also cause bloating and gas, as they are high in carbohydrates. So both from a health point of view, and to reduce your weight, do not eat pasta and jam every day. Indulge in sweets once or twice a week.

Emphasize acidic products and especially yogurt products containing beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria - this helps the balance between the microorganisms of the intestinal microflora. Yogurt should be among your top foods. It will relieve and improve your peristalsis, and hence it will stop bloating you.
