The First Symptoms Of Egg Poisoning

The First Symptoms Of Egg Poisoning
The First Symptoms Of Egg Poisoning

In the summer heat we must be extremely careful what products we consume. A typical example of this is eggs, which spoil very quickly when exposed to high temperatures.

However, we can never be one hundred percent sure what food is sold in the store. Precisely for this reason, we should be prepared and know the various symptoms with which our body signals that we have been poisoned by food, in this case eggs.

The first sign of eating rotten eggs is nausea. After it comes vomiting and sharp and painful abdominal cramps. Diarrhea and fever accompanied by chills are also possible. Another symptom, but accompanied by some of the above, may be a headache. When egg poisoning cases of blood in the stool have sometimes been reported.

Often the consumption of rotten eggs is the first step towards the development of the dangerous salmonella infection. The signs and symptoms of the disease subside with a timely response, usually four to seven days, although it can take several months for the bowel to fully recover from the test.

Several species of salmonella bacteria lead to typhoid fever, which is sometimes a deadly disease. However, such cases are more common in developing countries.

food poisoning
food poisoning

Sometimes it is difficult to recognize spoiled or infected eggs. Their shells may be intact, but their insides may contain dangerous bacteria that have developed due to the high temperatures.

The first sign that the egg is spoiled is when you feel the inside of the egg shaking and audible. This certainly means that something is wrong.

When the egg is severely damaged, a sharp and unpleasant odor spreads when broken, signaling the problem. However, when the decay processes have just begun or you are already buying a processed egg, it is more difficult to protect yourself. Experts advise eggs to undergo a heat treatment of at least 90 degrees to kill harmful bacteria.

Eggs should always be washed before use. Sometimes eggs from hens infected with salmonella pass through the various control organs and end up in the store network. Avoid, especially in summer, products that are made from raw eggs - some types of mayonnaise, cakes, ice cream, creams.
