Symptoms Of Hemlock Poisoning And First Aid

Symptoms Of Hemlock Poisoning And First Aid
Symptoms Of Hemlock Poisoning And First Aid

You need to be well acquainted with herbs before using them so that they do not become dangerous to your health. For example, you can be poisoned with spotted hemlock because you can confuse it with wild dill. You have to be very careful because the hemlock, also known as wild merudia, kukuda, mangalak, bardaran, tsvigula, tsarkalo, is a highly poisonous plant.

You can recognize it by the unpleasant smell. Signs of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, seizures, loss of consciousness, paralysis, arrhythmia and respiratory arrest.

Hemlock has been known since ancient times, treatment is recommended, but only under the supervision of a phytotherapist for the treatment of tumors of the breast and prostate.

A tincture of fresh flowers is made. The flowers are ground and poured with alcohol (vodka), 200 g of flowers per 1 liter of vodka, in a glass jar, which is left in the dark. After three weeks, strain and keep in the dark again. Drink for a month. There is a break of one week.

This plant is characterized by its high toxicity due to the content of the alkaloid coniin in all its parts. Poisoning can also occur when eating the stem of a plant or from the milk of cattle that have eaten from it. Initial manifestations of herb poisoning are nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, slow movements, slow speech, dilated pupils. Gradually there is paralysis of the limbs, drooping eyelids, swallowing disorders. Blurred consciousness is a common manifestation.

Death occurs from paralysis of the respiratory muscles. You should immediately try to vomit, do a gastric lavage with a dilute solution of potassium permanganate, animal charcoal, salt cleanser (English salt), cleansing enema.


If you have a breathing disorder, you must have artificial respiration. Hemlock is a herbaceous biennial plant with an unpleasant odor, the stem is 50-180 cm high, cylindrical, hollow, with reddish-brown spots at the bottom. The leaves are two to four times pinnately divided, the lower ones have petioles, and the middle and upper ones are almost sessile.

The inflorescences are complex canopies that form a thyroid-paniculate inflorescence. The complex canopy has 12-20 main beams and a shell of 5-6 leaflets curved downwards. It has white flowers and the fruits are broadly ovate to almost globular.

Flowering is in June and August. It is located in weedy places, near houses, fences, in gardens, in the field on borders and bushes, forest paths, plains, foothills. It occurs in many places, so you need to be careful.
