Herbaceous Garlic - Tasty And Easy To Grow

Herbaceous Garlic - Tasty And Easy To Grow
Herbaceous Garlic - Tasty And Easy To Grow

Herbaceous garlic is also well known as garlic grass. In East Asian countries, it is extremely often grown as an ordinary vegetable. It has recently become more widespread on the market in Western Europe.

Unlike ordinary garlic, this type of bulb does not become large enough, but in fact it is not important here. The leaves and in some varieties the stems are those parts of the plant that is consumed. The leaves reach a length of about 30 cm and their taste is much softer and more pleasant than that of ordinary garlic.

People are starting to choose more and more often Herbaceous garlicbecause it is a perennial plant that is planted from seeds formed in large tufts on the tops. When the plant blooms, these tufts crack and the seeds are scattered and transplanted.

If you do not need so many flowers and seeds for next year, you can cut some of these flowering stems and so the plant will be able to feed more foliage.

All you need to do as initial care is to make seedlings in seed buckets and transfer it to the garden when it becomes at least 5 cm in height.

Herbaceous garlic
Herbaceous garlic

Herbaceous garlic is transplanted at a distance of 30x20 cm from each other. From now on, the care you will take for it is not difficult or specific at all - it only needs watering and weeding.

If you decide to change its place is the garden, the easiest transplant will be in the autumn-winter period.
