Garlic, Salmon And Spinach For Longevity And Eternal Youth

Garlic, Salmon And Spinach For Longevity And Eternal Youth
Garlic, Salmon And Spinach For Longevity And Eternal Youth

There are different perceptions among nutritionists and doctors about which foods are good and which are bad.

The Daily Mirror recently published the top 10 products most beneficial to humans, according to English nutritionists.

They claim that if people adhere to the listed foods, human life expectancy can reach 120 years.

Garlic, salmon and spinach for longevity and eternal youth
Garlic, salmon and spinach for longevity and eternal youth

Let's see what are the useful products

- Garlic is one of the first among them. Small white cloves are a powerful opponent of cancer and cardiovascular disease, reduce the risk of stroke. Garlic has anti-inflammatory action, soothes pain and swelling in arthritis. It is also useful in diabetes.

- Many experts recommend avoiding carbohydrates in diets, but whole grains are not to be neglected when it comes to longevity. Brown rice, bread, cereals contain fiber that lowers bad cholesterol, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, gallstones and diabetes.

Garlic, salmon and spinach for longevity and eternal youth
Garlic, salmon and spinach for longevity and eternal youth

- The older we get, the more our body needs calcium. That is why it is important to have products rich in this element on our table every day. Doctors advise to drink two glasses of skim cow's milk every day.

- Not all specialists are positive about hen's eggs. However, they cannot deny that they are a source of protein and lutein, which protects the eyes from cataracts. Recent research suggests that eggs prevent blood clots. According to another study, if you eat 6 eggs a week, you reduce the risk of breast cancer by 44%.

- Spinach is a fortune. It is a source of many vitamins - vitamins C, A and K, iron, as well as antioxidants that protect against heart attack and stroke. Protects against colon cancer, osteoporosis and arthritis.

Garlic, salmon and spinach for longevity and eternal youth
Garlic, salmon and spinach for longevity and eternal youth

- Banana contains 467 mg of potassium, which is the body's daily dose needed to maintain muscle. The exotic fruit regulates high blood pressure. An energetic start to the day is a sliced banana in your oatmeal with yogurt and a little fruit juice.

- Chicken is the most useful meat, there is no dispute about that. It is rich in protein and prevents a decrease in bone density. From it, select breasts that are low in fat and remove the skin beforehand. Chicken contains the trace element selenium. B vitamins are a stimulant of brain activity.

- Salmon is full of useful fatty acids that lower cholesterol, protect against some cancers and prevent blood clots. Relieves depression and prevents memory loss. It contains nicotinic acid, which according to scientific data protects against Alzheimer's disease.

- Cranberry contains few calories, but many nutrients! The small fruits contain antioxidants that are fierce warriors against cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, stomach ulcers, cardiovascular disease and cancer. It also has a proven anti-inflammatory effect.

- Instead of not very useful salt, doctors advise to season the food with herbs. Fresh fragrant plants do the best to taste, but in the name of convenience and the command of proper nutrition, maintain a diverse range of dried herbs and herbs.
