Menu For Summer Heat

Menu For Summer Heat
Menu For Summer Heat

Most summer dishes are delicious and useful, but you have to be careful with some components in their composition, so you have to be careful.

- Dishes with tomatoes - we will pay special attention to the popular gazpacho, which chefs also call "liquid salad". Tomatoes in this dish increase the acidity of gastric juice, and garlic irritates the gastric mucosa. Therefore, such an option is not very useful, it is even harmful to many people. That is why it is best to eat tomatoes in the familiar Bulgarian dishes such as salads such as a classic Shopska salad. She is typical Bulgarian summer dish.

- Fruit ice cream can make your life miserable. In general, fruits fill us with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. But the stones in fruits such as cherries, cherries, peaches, apricots contain amygdalin and emulsin. In the presence of water or saliva, these substances are converted to senile acid. This same senile acid belongs to the group of cyanides - one of the most poisonous compounds.

- Tarator is a popular cooling summer soup not only in our country, but also in Turkey, Greece, Lebanon. Tarator is prepared from yogurt, yogurt, kefir. But let's not forget how quickly some of them spoil, so be careful with this milk soup.

Summer tarator
Summer tarator

- Raw or semi-raw meat is very dangerous. A hitherto unknown and very dangerous intestinal infection causes acute kidney failure and even death. The disease develops abnormally, almost immediately causing acute renal failure. Doctors believe that the danger in this case lies in raw meat and vegetables. That is why when preparing menu in the heat, we need to think about that as well.

- Barbecue can be very dangerous. If you roast the meat over embers, the running fat drips on them and evaporates as a gas that contains benzopyrene. It is a carcinogen. Harmful to health are skewers and meat cooked on wood. Very appetizing indeed, but so absorb various substances from the wood.

Roasted and especially burnt meat and appetizing crispy crust contribute to the development of cancer. If possible, avoid it at eating in the heat.
