Watermelon Quenches Thirst In The Summer Heat

Video: Watermelon Quenches Thirst In The Summer Heat

Video: Watermelon Quenches Thirst In The Summer Heat
Video: Heat Buster|Watermelon-Mango|Melon-Mango Fusion| 2024, December
Watermelon Quenches Thirst In The Summer Heat
Watermelon Quenches Thirst In The Summer Heat

Watermelons are already sold in stores and markets. Are watermelons more useful or more harmful? Is the red core under green bark dangerous?

Watermelon, like many other fruits, is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin. Apart from the fact that these substances generally prolong the life of the body and protect it from aging, some of them have anti-tumor power. Carotene strengthens vision.

Folic acid provides healthy skin color, improves digestion and helps pregnant women by protecting the fetus from abnormalities.

Watermelon is a strong diuretic. In pregnant women, who often go to the toilet without watermelon, if they consume it, they may no longer go out of there, as physical impulses will occur even more often.

Consumption of watermelon with other foods or immediately after them leads to severe gassing.

Watermelon is also rich in magnesium. 100 grams of fruit contain about 60% of the daily amount of selenium. Magnesium helps muscles and nerves to function. In its absence, the symptoms are leg cramps, numbness, weakness and fatigue. Magnesium deficiency can affect the heart, nerve conduction.

Magnesium is an excellent antidepressant. When you are depressed for a few days, do not sleep and can not concentrate on routine work, a watermelon diet will restore your strength and courage.


No matter how rich in trace elements watermelon, its main component is water (85-90%). In this way, watermelon completely quenches thirst on hot summer days.

However, excessive consumption of watermelon can cause diarrhea, which means - dehydration. It is possible to accelerate weight loss through watermelon through its diuretic effect.

Watermelon also suppresses hunger as it simply fills the stomach. At the same time there are relatively few calories - 38 kcal per 100 grams.

Why not have a few watermelon days? You can eat 1-1.5 kg of watermelon, rye bread and biscuits, tea and coffee should not be drunk. This mode is useful not only for the figure. It will also be like a great cleansing of the body, you will get rid of slag, you will embitter the life of bad cholesterol and at the same time you will give a dose of life to immunity. Drive two days on a watermelon diet, then repeat after 4-5 days.

But beware: the watermelon diet has its contraindications. It is not good to follow it if you have reduced kidney function.
