How To Whet Your Appetite In The Summer Heat

How To Whet Your Appetite In The Summer Heat
How To Whet Your Appetite In The Summer Heat

In warm weather, the desire to eat decreases. High temperatures reduce appetite, which is evident at all ages. It is advisable to avoid exposure to direct sunlight in the hottest hours of the day, namely from 11 am to 5 pm, to consume more water and salads with a higher percentage of water content.

In this way the body will be additionally hydrated. Staying in rooms with air conditioning has a beneficial effect on the return of appetite.

Tricks to encourage children to eat everything

- Small quantities are served, but in a large plate. This increases the chances of eating everything. Large amounts discourage children, especially when they are not hungry;

Feeding the child
Feeding the child

- The arrangement of food on the plate - as a smiling man, a flower, the sun, and why not as a cartoon character;

"Don't eat in front of the TV." You don't have to have fun talking. From an early age, children should be taught to focus on nutrition;

- Have the children take part in preparing breakfast, lunch or dinner. This increases the desire to try the end result, for which they also helped.

Children's sandwiches
Children's sandwiches

Natural appetite enhancers in adults

- Consumption of coffee and alcohol should be minimized - these drinks significantly reduce the feeling of hunger;

"Make yourself dandelion tea," he said, boosting his appetite. Drink before meals;

Dandelion tea
Dandelion tea

- Salad of white radish, cucumber, orange juice and a little sea salt also stimulates the appetite;

"Get enough sleep!"
