Eggs: Top Food For Health

Eggs: Top Food For Health
Eggs: Top Food For Health

We have known for years that nutritionists are faced with the dilemma of whether to limit egg consumption due to high cholesterol or to increase it, given their richness in protein, vitamins and minerals.

Recent scientific studies have shown that the egg is a healthy food for everyone, even people with high cholesterol can afford one a day.

How to recognize a fresh egg?

The easiest test at home is to immerse it in water. If it is fresh, it will contain some air and sink into the water, leaning to the sides.

However, if it is not fresh, there is a lot of air in it and it does not sink, but stands on the surface of the water.

The egg white of the fresh egg is white, with a slight pink tinge and does not differ, and the yolk is round and slightly raised in the middle.

Egg is a universal food for us, which is easy to prepare and not expensive. Not to mention that a nice omelet can reach the pinnacle of culinary art.

Eggs: Top food for health
Eggs: Top food for health

The lipids contained in the yolk have valuable nutritional properties. They also have physical properties that allow them to homogeneously mix the egg with other products - thanks to them we prepare homemade mayonnaise.

It is understandable why scientists often use egg white as a benchmark against which to measure the protein value of other foods. Egg white has the highest biological value of all sources, so the body absorbs it most fully.

The quality of a protein depends on its efficacy on the growth of new human tissues. It is a protein without fat that breaks down quickly into amino acids and quickly enters the muscles.

The egg is also a bouquet of vitamins - B6, B12, vitamin E, A and D. It is rich in phosphorus, so valuable for living cells and bones. The content of iron is absolutely necessary for the body, especially for blood exchange and to supply the muscles with oxygen.

Brown or white?

Eggs: Top food for health
Eggs: Top food for health

It doesn't matter what color egg you get. There is no nutritional difference between them. The color of the shell depends on the breed of hen.

The composition of the eggshell is strikingly similar to that of human bones and teeth. It is an ideal source of easily digestible calcium for the body.

The introduction of baked and ground egg shells in the diet provides evidence of their high therapeutic value in a number of diseases such as rickets, osteoporosis, anemia, diseases of the spine.

For this purpose it is necessary to wash the eggs with a brush, detergent and warm water. After using the egg, wash again with warm water, remove the skin and immerse in boiling water for 5 minutes. Once dry, arrange in a suitable pan and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

Grind the shells in a blender. Mix them with an equal amount of manna honey. Consumption is 1 tsp. daily.
