No More Than Two Eggs A Day For Health

No More Than Two Eggs A Day For Health
No More Than Two Eggs A Day For Health

There is no doubt that eggs are good for the health of the body. They call them superfoods and this is no accident. They are the germ of a new organism and therefore contain all the nutrients. However, nutritionists advise not to overdo it consumption of eggs. What are the arguments for this advice?

Eggs are said to be harmful in excessive quantities because the yolks contain a lot of cholesterol. The exact amount in an egg is 185 milligrams, which is a little more than half the recommended daily dose. In practice, this means that no more than two eggs should be consumed per day. What are the arguments?

It is believed that cholesterol will rise significantly and this will lead to heart problems. These health problems that can occur are ischemic heart disease, stroke, heart failure. They lead to premature death.

Cholesterol intake with food and its levels in the blood

The human body itself produces cholesterol, which it needs as a building block of tissues and for the production of hormones. The human liver produces the necessary cholesterol if it is not obtained through food from the outside. What happens in the body when consumption of eggs?

consumption of 2 eggs a day is useful
consumption of 2 eggs a day is useful

To answer this question, an experiment was done with people who eat eggs every day and those that replace them with other foods.

The results of the experiment show that in both groups the good cholesterol increased and the bad cholesterol did not change.

The conclusion is that the daily consumption of eggs depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The safe quantities are 2-3 eggs a day for healthy people who love eggs and also benefit from their consumption.

The benefits of eating eggs

- Eggs and egg products are carriers of omega-3 fatty acids, which neutralize harmful fats in the blood;

- Eggs contain lutein, which takes care of eye health;

- They are quality protein bombs that build muscle mass and strengthen bones;

- The satiating effect of these products makes them suitable for inclusion in diets to combat excess weight.
