No, This Is Not A Green Bean

No, This Is Not A Green Bean
No, This Is Not A Green Bean

Initially, Pod turnip was grown in Southeast Asia and later spread to various parts of the world. It is a variety of the common varieties of turnips that we all know. The main difference is that instead of the plant giving birth to a root crop, as we are used to imagining when we hear the word turnip, above-ground pods are formed here after flowering.

These pods have a hard tip that you must cut before eating turnips, but the rest is extremely fragile. In contrast to the appearance of ordinary turnips, the taste of the pods is the same, the older they are, the more spicy they become. If you eat young, tender and fresh radishes of this type, you will not feel this spiciness, on the contrary, the taste will surprise you with a pleasant softness.

The length of the pods is from 5 to 10 cm, but rarely and still in some places you can see one with a length of about 60 cm.

They are most often used for salads and side dishes.

The most favorable time for planting is from late March to July, and you will not go wrong if you plant them every 2-3 weeks difference, so the harvest will overlap and you will have longer fresh turnip pods.

The stems reach a height of 1.5 m, and the distance between them should be 60x15 cm. Usually about 40 days after planting, you can expect your first harvest, but it all depends on the region and temperature differences.

Do not worry if you see turnips only after 2 months - it is also possible. Each of the planted plants will bear fruit for 3 to 4 weeks, but do not forget to pick regularly, because the fragile pods are many times tastier than the older ones.
