Grandma's Winter Clothes - Twice Cheaper Than Kupeshka This Year

Grandma's Winter Clothes - Twice Cheaper Than Kupeshka This Year
Grandma's Winter Clothes - Twice Cheaper Than Kupeshka This Year

Grandma's winter turns out to be twice cheaper than the coupe this year. Making your own supplies for the winter is twice as profitable this season.

If you make jam at home, it makes sense to put enough fruit. If you decide to buy organic jam from the stalls, the result is a higher price and fewer fruits.

The differences between domestic production and kupeshko this year are particularly high. They become even more serious when we use home-grown fruits or vegetables.

Peach compote, made at home, costs a lev jar. In the store, however, for 550 g we have to give an average of BGN 3.


The difference in raspberry compotes is smaller. The homemade one costs BGN 1.50, while in the supermarkets it averages BGN 3. Compotes from other seasonal fruits such as blueberries, for example, cost BGN 2.50. The Kupeshka blueberry compote costs BGN 4. The cheapest is the plum compote - less than BGN, while in the store it is BGN 1.70.

For jams, the difference in price is about 0.50 cents. If you go to a specialized organic store, the price of a jar jumps to BGN 5, while at home it amounts to a maximum of BGN 1.50.

Homemade jam
Homemade jam

Gherkins, green beans, canned tomatoes, a jar of royal pickles - no matter what you prepare for the winter, if you prepare it at home, it will come out much cheaper. At the same time, when preparing winter food at home, we must take into account the cost of electricity or wood, especially if large quantities are made. The bill also includes the time we have set aside for its preparation. The pleasure of eating something you made yourself, however, is immeasurable in sums.
