Nutritional Value Of Honey

Nutritional Value Of Honey
Nutritional Value Of Honey

Honey is a universal product used for food or food supplements, as well as for medicine and cosmetics.

Bees have been shown to be the only creatures on Earth whose body surface is almost sterile. The reason for this is due to propolis and the environment in which they live. They collect nectar from the flowers of various plants, which is mixed with the acids and enzymes of their honeycombs, after which the honey is placed in wax cans.

The nectar that is stored in the hive contains a large amount of water. Its initial level can reach 80%, which subsequently evaporates up to 20%. During the conversion of nectar into honey, sugars increase due to chemical and physical processes. Complex sugars are broken down into simple ones, and levulose and dextrose are formed under the influence of enzymes and acids.

The high nutritional value of honey comes from the presence of monosaccharides, which are absorbed by the body without any processing, because they enter directly into the blood. Monosaccharides, in this case glucose and fructose, are obtained by the breakdown of disaccharides. However, in order to break down and synthesize sugars, enzymes are needed, which are produced by the body of bees.

According to the organization "Active Consumers", the following vitamins (per 100 g) are found in the composition of honey:

Benefits of Honey
Benefits of Honey

aneurin (B1) 4.4-5.5 mg

riboflavin (B2) 26.6-61.0 mg

pantothenic acid (B3) 0.02-0.1 mg

pyridoxine (B6) about 10.0 mg

nicotinic acid (PP) 0.2 mg

ascorbic acid (C) 2.0 mg

folic acid (Sun) 3-15 mg

biotin (H) 0.04-0.066 mg

tocopherol, provitamin A (carotene), K and E in small amounts
