Start The Day With Muesli To Be Beautiful

Start The Day With Muesli To Be Beautiful
Start The Day With Muesli To Be Beautiful

It is well known that appearance is inextricably linked to health. Vitamin deficiency, poor nutrition, diseases of the organs immediately affect our skin and hair.

In such cases, it is not enough to change the shampoo and cream, you need to think seriously about what you consume. This is especially true for breakfast.

The morning meal should be light, but at the same time provide the body with vitamins and trace elements that will charge it with energy for long hours.

One of the ideal snacks is muesli. Due to the high content of vitamins and fiber, muesli is well absorbed by the body and is ideal for those who want to have beautiful hair and skin.

Breakfast with muesli
Breakfast with muesli

There is a huge amount of ready-to-eat muesli on the market. But in general they have one huge drawback - it contains a lot of refined sugar.

It can be masked as glucose, caramel, dextrose. That is why it is best to prepare your healthy breakfast yourself. Recipes for making muesli are varied, but their main ingredients are wheat or oat bran, honey and possibly pollen.

Bran is a ballast substance and is not only useful, but necessary for the proper functioning of the stomach and metabolism. They are a kind of brush and as soon as they get into the intestines, they expel everything unnecessary from the body.

Muesli with Fruit
Muesli with Fruit

Oat bran reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood by ten percent. In case of frequent constipation, emphasize the ballast substances in your menu. But after the portion of muesli you have to drink a lot of fluids, because the ballast substances have to swell in the intestines.

Everyone knows the benefits of the other ingredient in muesli, honey. Since ancient times, people have used it to treat and prevent various diseases.

This complex organic product contains a lot of natural sugar, organic and mineral acids, and in a form that is most suitable for absorption by the body.

In addition, honey contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium and iodine, as well as B vitamins, proteins and tannins. Pollen contains all the trace elements necessary for the normal development of any organism.

It contains as many as 28 elements. The content of potassium is the highest, but the pollen also contains copper, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and other substances necessary for the body.

Pollen also contains many enzymes that play an important role in metabolism. Due to its healing properties, pollen has a rejuvenating effect on the body and has a positive effect on the digestive tract, improves lung function and has a good effect on blood circulation.
