How To Flavor Dishes With Latin

How To Flavor Dishes With Latin
How To Flavor Dishes With Latin

The Latin name refers to about 50 species of plants coming from Central and South America. The Latin name of this species is trophae, in translation - a small trophy. This is explained by the helmet-shaped shape of the flowers and leaves.

Latin is widespread throughout the world. In our country, it can be found in any garden. Most of its species are perennial, but in Bulgaria they are grown as an annual plant because they do not tolerate low temperatures.

It is often grown on balconies, as it is unpretentious and does not require special care. An interesting fact that few people know, however, is that in addition to decoration, Latin is also used for consumption.

All parts of Latin except the roots are used in cooking. Immature seeds and flowers are spicy and flavor some types of vinegar. A number of salads are seasoned with the young leaves.


They give them a refined taste and a pleasant aroma. In addition, the aboveground part of the plant is used in a number of recipes for the treatment of anemia, avitaminosis, kidney disease and hair loss.

The whole plant has a pungent taste, similar to that of capers. It is characterized by a specific aroma. Usable leaves, stems and green fruits contain the glucoside glycotropeolin. When exposed to the enzyme myrosine, an essential oil similar to mustard oil is released.

Latin is mainly used in the cuisines of the peoples of Central Europe and the Caucasus. The whole above-ground part, with the exception of the flowers, is used as a stand-alone product or as a seasoning for meat dishes. It is also used to make some of the most popular vegetable mayonnaises.

Latin colors are also usable. They are most often used to decorate cold dishes such as salads and mayonnaise. The green fruits of the plant are marinated with vinegar and dill. Used to garnish cold dishes again.

In both cooking and medicine, the daily dose of Latin is 35-40 g of aboveground parts. It is taken as a medicine twice a day, mostly for kidney diseases. Latin juice (20-30 g) is recommended as a strong antiseptic.
