Meat In Our Country Is More Fake Than Dairy Products

Meat In Our Country Is More Fake Than Dairy Products
Meat In Our Country Is More Fake Than Dairy Products

The products imitating meat on our markets are more than dairy products, said the chairman of the Association of Pasture Animals Stanko Dimitrov.

The data of the association show that less than 20% of the meat products in the trade network are from Bulgarian raw materials. Much of the meat is generated by the gray sector, which uses smuggled meat of dubious quality.

Every year, meat smuggling makes profits of about BGN 1 billion. However, most processing companies prefer them because their raw material is several times cheaper than the Bulgarian one.

These products may not harm your health at the moment, but they are full of starch, preservatives, dyes and other ingredients that will harm your health in the long run, says Dimitrov, quoted by Darik.

Imports from the European Union are also a problem for Bulgarian production. On the Bulgarian markets the import from the EU of meat and meat products is between 88-92%, without including the production of the gray sector.

Meat in our country is more fake than dairy products
Meat in our country is more fake than dairy products

The large retail chains also do not facilitate the sale of Bulgarian quality meat, as for them the main criterion is the price, which is why they import cheap and low-quality Argentine beef instead of better quality Bulgarian.

However, the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency, even if they detect suspicious meat, they do not have a specialized laboratory to show the full composition of a product.

For a complete analysis, the products must be directed to experts outside the country, and this often costs quite a serious amount.

On the other hand, the Association of Pasture Animals is calling for more inspections in the native meat-packing plants. Although in our country a complete analysis of the meat is not allowed, at least the smuggled goods that arrive in the country with a number of omissions in the documentation can be caught.
