Guliya Detoxifies The Body From Antibiotics

Guliya Detoxifies The Body From Antibiotics
Guliya Detoxifies The Body From Antibiotics

Gulia is a tuberous plant. Also called earth apple, Jerusalem artichoke or Jerusalem artichoke. Guliya is known for its positive effects on the absorption of blood sugar, as well as its excellent taste. In addition to being consumed fresh, it is also used to make jams and dried as a spice. Gulia is an excellent source of protein and is especially useful for athletes.

The gulia grows everywhere - from meadows to yards. In many places it was considered a weed. Somewhere it is grown as an ornamental plant, as it blooms with beautiful, bright yellow, sunny flowers.

Jerusalem artichoke contains a lot of inulin / a complex sugar, which, unlike the starch contained in potatoes, is recommended for weight loss or obesity /. It is taken with plenty of water, which contributes to a longer feeling of satiety.

Due to its inulin content, this tuber is useful in diabetes or pancreatic problems. In fact, while starch is converted to glucose in the first moment in the intestinal tract, inulin is absorbed in the second moment (in the colon) and converted to fructose, avoiding the effect on blood sugar levels.

Even people with high cholesterol can take advantage of the goulash, which slows down the absorption of this molecule by the gut. The inulin in the gullet improves digestion and reduces the formation of gas in the intestines. Its presence promotes the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which counteract pathogenic bacteria and therefore balance the processes in the intestinal flora.


But these are not the only advantages of Jerusalem artichoke - it is very effective as a detoxifier, especially after prolonged use of antibiotics.

Intake of inulin significantly reduces the risk of intestinal tumors and stimulates the absorption of calcium from the colon, magnesium, iron and zinc.

Other beneficial substances present in gulia include vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on appearance, B vitamins, which counteract fatigue, anemia and stress, and arginine, which protects the liver and helps heal wounds.

Baked goulash
Baked goulash

The presence of potassium in this tuber helps to purify the blood and tissues especially in the digestive tract, kidneys and bladder, prevents infections and cystitis.

The tea from the flowers of goulash embodies all its unique properties, strengthens the body's defenses and effectively aids digestion. Tea combined with honey has a beneficial effect on disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, circulatory disorders and musculoskeletal system. It is extremely suitable for diabetics. The flowers have the same effect as that of the tubers.

Gulia and onions
Gulia and onions

Guliya increases immunity and vitality of the body. It acts as a natural antioxidant and has natural detoxifying effects.

Increases the ability to concentrate and is an effective fighter against stress - helps to lose weight.
