Green Coffee Beans Instead Of Green Tea

Green Coffee Beans Instead Of Green Tea
Green Coffee Beans Instead Of Green Tea

Forget about green tea as a powerful antioxidant! Recent research in the fight against aging has brought a new leader, which protects us from wrinkles and keeps our body young longer.

Green (unroasted) coffee beans are the latest hit in the fight against aging are unroasted green coffee beans. It turns out that they are like a bomb of polyphenols - the natural antioxidants in coffee.

Due to their high content in freshly harvested coffee beans, they have twice the strong antioxidant effect even of green tea or grape seed extract.

It has long been known that antioxidants help our body fight free radicals - one of the main causes of cell aging. That is why the high content of polyphenols in coffee makes it an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

In fruits and vegetables, polyphenols are one of the most numerous and widespread groups of substances that are important for the well-being of the human body.

Green tea
Green tea

To date, more than 8,000 types of antioxidants are known, and several hundred of them are often found in our daily menu.

It is believed that beverages of plant origin such as tea, fruit and vegetable juices and coffee regularly supply the necessary amount of polyphenols for the human body.

In addition to a rejuvenating effect, antioxidants also help with a slim waist. They also help burn more lipids (fats) than carbohydrates. The latter are associated with the accumulation of muscle fatigue, especially in athletes.

That is why a cup of coffee is recommended half an hour before exercise and training. Caffeinated liquid speeds up metabolism and helps to energize the body.
