Tea Fans Are At Risk For Kidney Problems

Tea Fans Are At Risk For Kidney Problems
Tea Fans Are At Risk For Kidney Problems

Strange as it may sound, tea can harm you. Recently, American doctors reported a strange and atypical clinical case. A man suffers from kidney failure due to the fact that he consumes too much tea.

The 56-year-old man complained of fatigue and sharp muscle pain. Doctors at Little Rock Hospital found extremely high levels of creatinine in the man's blood. Normal blood creatinine levels are about 50 to 110 micropiles per liter of blood. The creatinine in a man's blood was 400 micrompm per liter of blood, which is 3 to 8 times the permissible values for an adult man.

It turned out that his elevated levels of creatinine in the blood have been since 2013. The doctors found that the patient was suffering from acute renal failure. They performed various tests, including a kidney biopsy. During the kidney biopsy, the doctors found the presence of many calcium oxylate stones in the tubules of the kidneys.

The mystery of the patient's kidney failure could not be solved for a long time. In other tests, doctors found no protein in the patient's urine or blood, which could lead them to a urinary tract infection. The medics also found that none of the patient's family had suffered from kidney disease.


To one of the questions of the doctors - whether the man was taking ethylene glycol, which can cause kidney failure, he gave a negative answer. But he soon remembered to say that he drank nearly 16 cups of iced tea every day.

Doctors came to the conclusion that it was this habit of consuming 16 cups of tea every day that led to kidney failure. You will ask how so and Why? Doctors found that the tea contained a large amount of oxalates, which can cause kidney failure.

This case is another example of the fact that you should not overdo anything, because even healthy foods in overdoses can be harmful.
