Culinary Use Of Locust Bean

Culinary Use Of Locust Bean
Culinary Use Of Locust Bean

Rozhkov is a plant of the legume family. Unlike most of them, it is sweet. Its pods, dried and ground, are an excellent substitute for our familiar cocoa.

The evergreen locust bean plant is widespread in the Mediterranean regions. It is most popular in Spain and Portugal. It is also common in our country, but unfortunately it cannot be used for food purposes.

The properties of locust bean as a sweetener are known long before those of sugar cane. Large amounts of sugars are found in its pods.

They are used dried and crushed. The resulting powder can be used in many ways - instead of cocoa in milk and pastries, in the mixture for biscuits, for making homemade chocolate.


More and more people prefer locust bean to cocoa. This is because cocoa contains a lot of caffeine and is quite high in calories. In contrast, locust bean is about 60% lower in calories. In addition, it contains high levels of calcium, iron, as well as vitamin A and B vitamins.

In cooking, the most valuable is the extremely sweet taste of locust bean products. They can be used in the preparation of various pasta products as substitutes for sugar and cocoa.

One of the most commonly used products from sweet pods is locust bean flour. It has been proven that it contains up to three times more nutrients than milk. It is used as a natural and harmless thickener and preservative, known as E410.

Candy with Rozhkov
Candy with Rozhkov

In fact, in any recipe that uses cocoa, it can be replaced with locust bean flour. It does not contain gluten and has few calories. Locust flour is used to make cakes, desserts and drinks.

In addition to cooking, locust bean pods are also used in medicine. The decoction of boiled pods cures cough.

Healthy carob candies and chia seeds

Required products: 1/3 tsp. locust bean flour, 1 tsp. walnuts, 1 tsp. raisins, 3-4 dates, 3 tbsp. chia seeds, a pinch of Himalayan salt.

Method of preparation: Pour the products into a blender. Knead for a few minutes until you get a dough-like mixture. The result is rolled. It is cut with the help of various cookie cutters or balls are made. Place in the freezer for a few hours until firm. They are not baked.
