Top 17 Best Foods To Relieve Constipation

Top 17 Best Foods To Relieve Constipation
Top 17 Best Foods To Relieve Constipation

Swelling of the abdomen and infrequently going to the toilet - These are the most common symptoms associated with constipation. The type and severity of symptoms can vary. In some people, constipation is rare, while for others it is a chronic condition.

The causes of constipation are different, but it usually occurs due to the slow movement of food through the digestive system. This can be due to dehydration, poor diet, medications, illness, nervous system diseases or mental disorders.

Fortunately, some foods can help relieve constipation by reducing the passage time of the intestine and increasing the frequency of bowel movements.

Here are the top 17 foods to relieve constipation

1. Plums

Foods to relieve constipation
Foods to relieve constipation

Prunes are widely used as a natural remedy for constipation.

2. Apples

Apples are rich in fiber. In fact, an average apple contains 4.4 grams of fiber, which is 17% of the recommended daily intake.

3. Pears

Pears are another fiber-rich fruit, with about 5.5 grams in medium-sized fruits (about 178 grams). This is 22% of the recommended daily fiber intake.

4. Kiwi

Kiwi relieves constipation
Kiwi relieves constipation

The fiber and enzyme known as actinidaine in kiwi is also thought to be responsible for the positive effects on bowel motility and helps against constipation.

5. Figs

Figs are a great way to increase fiber intake and stimulate healthy intestinal habits.

6. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits and tangerines are a refreshing breakfast and a good source of fiber.

7. Spinach and other green vegetables

Leafy vegetables against constipation
Leafy vegetables against constipation

Greens such as spinach, Brussels sprouts and broccoli are not only rich in fiber, but also great sources of vitamin C, vitamin K and folic acid.

8. Artichoke and chicory

Artichokes and chicory belong to the sunflower family and are important sources of a type of soluble fiber known as inulin. Inulin is a prebiotic, which means that it helps stimulate the growth of bacteria in the gut by stimulating digestion.

9. Artichoke

Research shows that artichokes have a prebiotic effect that promotes good intestinal health and regularity.

10. Rhubarb

Rhubarb is a leafy plant that is well known for its intestinal stimulating properties.

11. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a food against constipation
Sweet potatoes are a food against constipation

Sweet potatoes contain enough fiber to help relieve constipation.

12. Beans, peas and lentils

Beans, peas and lentils are also known as one of the cheapest food groups you can include in your diet.

13. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are one of the richest in fiber foods.

14. Flaxseed

Flaxseed has been used for centuries as a traditional remedy for constipation due to its natural laxative effects.

15. Wholemeal rye bread

Rye bread for constipation
Rye bread for constipation

Rye bread is a traditional bread in many parts of Europe and is rich in nutrients.

16. Oats

Oat bran is the fiber-rich outer shell of oats.

17. Kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk drink originating from the Caucasus Mountains in Western Asia. The word kefir comes from a Turkish word that means pleasant taste.
