Benefits And Harms Of Shark Meat

Benefits And Harms Of Shark Meat
Benefits And Harms Of Shark Meat

The shark is a predatory fish that inhabits seas and oceans. Of all the nearly 400 species, only 30 are thought to be dangerous to humans. Shark meat is rich in water, protein, fat and low in carbohydrates. It also contains iron, calcium, phosphorus and 100 grams of it supplies the body with nearly 350 kcal.

Shark fin has been a valuable dish since 1400 in China and for centuries the population has considered this food as one of the eight most valuable in the sea. And because the amount of meat was not much, the shark was valued even higher and the emperors ate it.

The health benefits of eating this seafood delicacy are many. It is believed that fish increases appetite, nourishes the blood, kidneys, lungs and others. It also helps maintain a good appearance and youth. A soup made from shark fins retains masculinity for a long time.

Shark cartilage is also useful in treating rheumatism, acne, eczema, allergies. Some researchers even point to treating malignancies.


There are also isolated reports that the cartilage in its fins is particularly useful for the joint function of the body. The skeleton of the shark is made up mainly of cartilage rich in connective tissue, which contains cells (chondrocytes) that support the production of collagen fibers and elastin. The latter keeps the skin supple and healthy. Such cells are thought to be found most in the blue shark.

Care should be taken with the consumption of shark, because its fins and meat are high in mercury, which is very dangerous to human health. Its accumulation in the body causes damage to the brain and nerve cells.

In cases when the fish is processed and dried well, the concentration of this chemical element decreases. But the WHO (World Health Organization) reports that even then, people are at risk, especially if they eat shark fins more often.
