Shark Meat Is Not For Pregnant Women And Children

Shark Meat Is Not For Pregnant Women And Children
Shark Meat Is Not For Pregnant Women And Children

Shark meat is used as food by many peoples who live by the seas and oceans - in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Australia.

There are over three hundred species of sharks that vary in size, lifestyle, diet and behavior, but only some of them are relevant to the food industry.

The meat of all sharks, with rare exceptions, is edible. The most popular in this regard are the gray, leopard, galeus shark, fox shark and others.

Most sharks are eaten in Japan, where millions of tons of these fish are caught each year. Shark meat is sold fresh, canned, smoked, salted and dried.

Shark fin soup is considered a delicacy, and in China the dish of shark lips stewed with bamboo and chicken sprouts is very popular.

In Italy, shark meat is used to make salads, and in England it is served with french fries. Shark liver is rich in vitamin A.


In many countries, people are prejudiced against shark meat. It is rich in proteins, which are similar in composition to beef proteins.

Shark meat contains salts of calcium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, and vitamin B. It contains a lot of mercury, which can adversely affect the nervous system. Therefore, shark meat is not recommended for pregnant women and children under sixteen.

Shark meat is very tasty, but in its raw form it has an unpleasant odor and sour taste, so it needs prior preparation. Its specific taste completely disappears after boiling or after soaking in milk or acidified water.

One of the rules when cooking shark meat is not to delay its processing. Therefore, the shark is salted or frozen immediately after capture.

The most delicious culinary products are obtained from fresh meat. The use of dark shark meat as well as hammerhead meat is not recommended.
