Shark Meat

Shark Meat
Shark Meat

Meat with a taste of a dangerous marine predator - that's it shark meat. Undoubtedly, the taste of shark meat may not be to the liking of many, but it is definitely worth a try.

Composition of shark meat

Shark meat contains complete proteins, a small amount of fat, minerals. It provides enough vitamin A, but is not a good source of vitamins C, E, K and D, which are completely lacking.

Shark meat is rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

The amino acid composition is also very rich - isoleucine, leucine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid. Naturally, shark meat contains mercury and heavy metals in large quantities.

Selection and storage of shark meat

It is no secret that the most delicious is fresh live fish, but very often this is almost impossible. However, when choosing fish, it should have a fresh, pleasant and slightly salty smell.

The finished shark fillets must be translucent. Dry, matte and with yellowed edges fillets are not preferable.

When choosing chilled meat, you should take the fish home as soon as possible. It should never be left out of the fridge, especially during the hot summer months.

As much as possible shark meat must be prepared on the day of purchase. If this is not possible, store it well washed and dried, placed in plastic wrap, in the coldest part of the refrigerator.

If you decide to store shark meat in the freezer, the storage period is no longer than 3-4 months.

Cooking shark meat

Many chefs claim that the meat of the leopard and gray shark, as well as the fox shark has the best taste. One of the biggest consumers of this seafood is the Japanese.

Furthermore shark meat is a favorite dish in Latin America, Australia and Africa. In Italy, shark meat is part of various salads, and in China, shark fillet with stewed bamboo sprouts is served.

Shark meat
Shark meat

Depending on the latitude, shark meat is served in different forms. In many parts of the world it is offered prepared and flavored, like other seafood. In Iceland, for example, shark meat is most often served dried. This is liked by both locals and tourists.

Chefs most often prepare shark fillet breaded or grilled. It should be served with a suitable dressing because it is dry. It is recommended to soak in milk before heat treatment, because there is often a smell of ammonia.

Benefits of shark meat

The shark belongs to the group of semi-fatty fish, which contain 5 to 10% fat. As part of shark meat important complete proteins with a balanced amino acid composition and high digestibility are found. This meat has a rich complex of minerals.

It is necessary to pay attention to shark cartilage, which is claimed to have properties characteristic of immunostimulants, as well as a number of therapeutic preventive properties.

Harm from shark meat

It should be noted that the main menu of the shark includes squid, small fish and plankton, which means that sharks are a kind of filter for sea water. This has its negative consequences because their meat contains a large amount of mercury and liquid metals.

Experts from the European Food and Health Administration advise the population to limit and even avoid taking shark meatbecause the intake of mercury can lead to a violation of the oxidative processes of the body.

As a result, the cardiovascular, excretory and central nervous systems can be severely affected.

In the US, nutrition experts warn pregnant women and those who want to get pregnant, breastfeeding and young children not to consume shark meat precisely because of the high levels of mercury.
