The Right Food That Protects The Stomach From Bloating And Pain

The Right Food That Protects The Stomach From Bloating And Pain
The Right Food That Protects The Stomach From Bloating And Pain

Every modern person is probably familiar with this unpleasant feeling of pain and heaviness in the stomach. Irregular and not always proper nutrition, stress, poor ecology and an abundance of fatty foods make the stomach suffer, as a result of which we have the symptoms described above.

Of course, if the pain is regular, you should see a doctor, but in any case we recommend that you include these products in your diet, which will help the stomach you. See in the following lines foods that protect the stomach from pain and bloating:


Due to their texture, as well as their high content of fiber and potassium, bananas protect the gastric mucosa and have beneficial effect on the digestive system.

The right food that protects the stomach from bloating and pain
The right food that protects the stomach from bloating and pain


It is difficult to imagine a product that is more valuable for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract than oatmeal.

Recommended by doctors at bloating and painand also helps prevent further development of gastritis and peptic ulcer if you have already been diagnosed with it. Another important property of oatmeal is intestinal stimulation, which is especially important for people suffering from constipation.

Dried fruit

Including dried fruits in your daily diet will help you not only to compensate for the energy deficit, but also to cleanse the body. In fact, due to its high fiber content, dried fruits, especially prunes, have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Experts recommend eating literally a few dried fruits a day to maintain the health of your gut.

The right food that protects the stomach from bloating and pain
The right food that protects the stomach from bloating and pain


Flax seeds are an incredibly healthy product. If we talk about its effect on the body, the use of flaxseed promotes tissue regeneration, accelerates the healing process of ulcers, helps to normalize intestinal motility, and also reduces the acidity of gastric juice.

Sour cabbage

This may surprise you, but sauerkraut is much healthier for the stomach than fresh. This is due to the formation of lactic acid in the cabbage directly during the ripening process. It is this substance that maintains the intestinal microflora, preserves bacteria that are beneficial to the body and fight harmful and dangerous, such as E. coli.
