The Right Nutritional Solutions For Stomach Problems

The Right Nutritional Solutions For Stomach Problems
The Right Nutritional Solutions For Stomach Problems

We all dream of having a smooth and tight belly, it not only gives us better self-confidence, but is also a symbol of good health. A flat stomach indicates good general health. Then he feels comfortable, relieved of the weight of swelling and constipation.

A balanced diet and physical activity are the key to his health.

Here are some common stomach problems and the right dietary decisions on how to deal with them.

1. When the pounds accumulate right on the abdomen Avoid:

- Fatty foods - butter, cream, sausages, fatty meats, pastries, ice cream. We should not underestimate the fat hidden in breaded chicken and fish meat. Ready-made snacks are also not recommended;

- Alcohol - it is transformed into triglycerides - lipids that accumulate in the abdomen;


The right nutritional solutions for stomach problems
The right nutritional solutions for stomach problems

- Daily pass with decreasing quantities - hearty breakfast, reasonable lunch and light dinner;

- Vegetable fats - we can afford 2-3 tablespoons at lunch and twice less at dinner;

- Protein - you need 250 g of white meat or 300 g of fish per day. It should be borne in mind that red meats are greasy, so do not eat them more often than 2 times a week;

- Vegetables - preferably at every meal. We can combine them with pasta, rice or potatoes. But only up to 3 times a week;

The right nutritional solutions for stomach problems
The right nutritional solutions for stomach problems

- Steam cooking;

- Light desserts - yogurt, skim cheese, combined with fresh seasonal fruits.

2. When the abdomen is swollen


- Cabbage, beans, celery and hard cheese;

- Monotonous diets - the alternation of periods in which you eat only one particular product, forces the digestive tract to produce more bile juice, now more acids. This disrupts its proper functioning;

- Raw vegetables at every meal;

The right nutritional solutions for stomach problems
The right nutritional solutions for stomach problems

- Too greasy and highly seasoned foods;

- Too hot or too cold dishes;


- Eating at the same hours of the day for at least 20 minutes;

- Boiled vegetables;

- Seasonal fruits - well ripened and peeled;

- Whole grain products - bread, rice, pasta. They contain a lot of fiber. However, we should always combine them with vegetables to facilitate digestion;

- A varied diet - different products in small quantities;

The right nutritional solutions for stomach problems
The right nutritional solutions for stomach problems

- Good chewing - allows faster and easier transformation of nutrients;

- Water - between meals and in small quantities, but often throughout the day.

3. When our stomach hurts:


- These vegetables, whose insoluble fiber causes increased production of enzymes that stimulate the intestines. Examples are turnips, onions, cucumbers, cabbage and cauliflower;

- Spices, alcohol, excessive consumption of coffee and tea;

- Chocolate and high-fat foods such as sausages and cheeses.


- Boiled zucchini, carrots, asparagus, pumpkin, green beans;

- White bread, rice and pasta;

- Fruit puree;

- White meat and fish;

- Milk enriched with probiotics.
