The Spices For Your Delicious Potatoes

The Spices For Your Delicious Potatoes
The Spices For Your Delicious Potatoes

Have you ever thought that from potatoes one can prepare all kinds of dishes - soups, stews, salads, meatballs, rolls, main dishes with potatoes and even desserts. So that you are not surprised about our last speech, we will only remind you of the famous potato desserts such as the Scottish potato cake or the potato-apricot dumplings of the Austrians.

From what dish you want to prepare from your loved one potato, depends on what spices for potatoes you will use, but here we will focus on the most characteristic.


It will be difficult to eat delicious stewed potatoes or sauteed potatoes without sprinkling them with a little fresh dill towards the end of their heat treatment.


Parsley is a spice for potatoes
Parsley is a spice for potatoes

This spice, which is also used fresh and preferably at the end of the preparation of anything with potatoes, is especially characteristic of vegetable and potato creams, potato salad, as well as our favorite potato stews, which we Bulgarians often like to we are preparing. Here it is important to mention that if you take care of your weight, it is not necessary to melt bread in the stew at all - again an old Bulgarian custom on the table. The truth is that when you eat potatoes, your body has absolutely no need to eat bread.


In the world they can hardly enjoy this traditional Bulgarian spice, but in our country samardala is ideal for potatoes, mushrooms, eggs, rice, even chicken. The dried samardala is mixed with a lot of salt, so be careful with the extra salt when using this one spice for potatoes.


Potatoes with garlic
Potatoes with garlic

Baked or stewed potatoes with a little garlic and sprinkled with dill are a gorgeous offer for both lunch and dinner. However, when you bake the potatoes in the oven, you can not peel the garlic at all, but feel free to put it in the pan with the potatoes. This way you will not be so "garlic" or hot, and the garlic will add its specific flavor to the potatoes without being so intrusive.

Rosemary and oregano

These two spices they can be used both fresh and dried, and go well with oven-baked potatoes. It is important to remember that when dried, these spices for potatoes are placed at the beginning of cooking, and when they are fresh - towards the end.

Potato spices
Potato spices

Black, red and white pepper

With their help the most delicious potato soups and stews are prepared.


If you think that this spice is mainly used to make pickles, you are mistaken. Try to bake baked potatoes and mushrooms, generously sprinkled with cumin and you will have a different opinion.


Not a very common spice in our country, but try the following - after you have boiled a few small fresh potatoes in advance, fry them quickly, but after you have rolled them in coriander and a little sesame. You will lick your fingers!
