10 Spices That Must Be Present In Your Kitchen

10 Spices That Must Be Present In Your Kitchen
10 Spices That Must Be Present In Your Kitchen

Do you like to cook and give a piece of happiness to your loved ones through the delicacies that come out of your hands? Well, be sure to stock up on the next 10 fixed spices in the kitchenwho should always be there to help you. They are the perfect finish to the dishes, which will help you amaze everyone you serve them to!

1. Himalayan salt (or ordinary)

Himalayan is recommended because in addition to being delicious, it is also the most useful salt. In itself, this spice comes in different varieties. In particular, Himalayan salt contains all 84 chemical elements that are found in the human body. Among the beneficial properties of Himalayan salt are: regulation of blood sugar and water content in the body; strengthening bones, normalizing blood pressure levels, relieving sinusitis, etc.

2. Black pepper

10 spices that must be present in your kitchen
10 spices that must be present in your kitchen

Occurs in powder or grains. Adds a slightly spicy taste to the dish, helps break down fat and stimulates weight loss. Due to its pepperiness it can help with sinus problems. It goes perfectly with salads and main dishes.

3. Red pepper

The favorite sweet spice from our childhood. Rich in vitamin B6, supplying the body with energy and strength. Red pepper improves the health of the heart, eyes, skin and hair. It is used in the preparation of meat, potatoes, cheese and various legumes.

4. Chile

Spicy chili, which is not for everyone. Fans of this taste, however, have the advantage of ensuring additional intake of copper, iron, potassium and manganese - substances important for the proper functioning of the body. The spicy ingredient supports blood circulation and promotes brain activity. Helps with fatigue, viruses, weak muscles. Take care of your skin and hair. Although with a spicy taste, chili could be seasoned with almost any dish - from main to dessert.

5. Basil

10 spices that must be present in your kitchen
10 spices that must be present in your kitchen

Get a great Italian taste with this wonderful spice. Successfully combined with any type of pasta, pizza and lasagna, it supplies the body with valuable substances, including potassium, manganese, magnesium, iron and others. You can use it in the preparation of white beans, rice, potatoes, zucchini, pizza, pasta, olives, eggs, eggplant, tomatoes, etc.

6. Rosemary

Aromatic and gentle, it is famous for the influence it has on memory, namely its stimulation. Promotes good eyesight and beautiful skin. It has a high content of vitamin C in its composition, as well as other useful elements such as copper, iron, potassium and manganese. With it you can season mushrooms, eggs, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, chicken, fish.

7. Thyme

With a slight mint taste, the interesting thing about it is that it is widely known among cosmetic products. It has a good effect on the skin and is used in a number of beauty medications. As for its consumption, it helps breathing, has antibacterial properties and is rich in vitamin C. In the kitchen it is a faithful helper in the preparation of dishes with vegetables, cheese, meat, eggs and fish. Gives a great aroma and freshness that awaken the appetite.

8. Cinnamon

10 spices that must be present in your kitchen
10 spices that must be present in your kitchen

Perhaps the most fragrant spice we usually use when preparing desserts. Some of its beneficial properties are associated with stimulating fat melting, so it is recommended for people who want to lose a few pounds. Protects against infections and inflammation in the abdominal area. Great combination with fruits, teas, desserts.

9. Ginger

Especially popular in modern cuisine, the spicy spice has a specific taste and is used mainly in juices, smoothies, shakes for weight loss. The spice is a great addition to Asian cuisine when added to powder. Strengthens the immune system and lowers bad cholesterol levels. It goes perfectly with dishes with carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, oranges, pineapple, dates and pear.

10. Turmeric

10 spices that must be present in your kitchen
10 spices that must be present in your kitchen

A spice known for its healing and extremely beneficial properties for the body. It has anti-inflammatory action. Apart from cooking, this ingredient is also used in cosmetics as part of products for beautiful skin. It is recommended for people with type 2 diabetes because it minimizes oxidative stress. In the kitchen, you can combine it with fish, meat, spinach, eggs, and other exotic spices.
