Do We Inadvertently Prepare Poisonous Food At Home?

Do We Inadvertently Prepare Poisonous Food At Home?
Do We Inadvertently Prepare Poisonous Food At Home?

When we talk about home-cooked food, most of the enthusiastic chefs will confirm that they do, and their main goal is for their families to eat clean, hygienically prepared and nutritious meals.

However, there are also foods that can be harmful and even dangerous if you do not cook them at the right temperature and at the right time. That is why when you plan what you will cook for the next day, you should not only stock up on organic products, but also pay attention to the exact recipes for their preparation. Here are some examples of such foods.

When potatoes are cooked at a temperature higher than 250 degrees Fahrenheit or 121 degrees Celsius, potatoes emit a poisonous substance known as acrylamide. Do not store potatoes in the refrigerator and never eat them if they have already sprouted.

We usually associate sprouts with healthy foods, but the opposite is true of potatoes. When the potato sprouts, it also releases the toxic substance solanine, which can lead to serious stomach problems.

To avoid sprouts, store your potatoes in a dark and cool place out of sunlight. Animal experiments show that long-term use of this substance can promote the emergence of cancer cells. In tests involving mice and rats, the results showed the appearance of various types of cancer.

People who have been shown to be exposed to long-term acrylamide in the workplace, whether they inhale it or come in contact with it through their skin, eventually find damage to important nerves in their body, which can lead to numbness or weakness in the body. arms or legs, as well as bladder problems.

Acrylamide is also released during the improper roasting of cereals and even coffee beans.

Burnt pie
Burnt pie

Temperature is not the only factor to consider here. Cooking time is also extremely important. The longer you cook the product incorrectly, the more toxic substances it releases.

How can we protect ourselves and our families?

Whenever you prepare foods rich in starch, you must take care not to exceed the above temperature, as well as to monitor the color of the food. The darker, brown and tempting our food is to most of us, the more harmful it can be.

Golden color means a well-cooked and unbaked dish.

Soaking in lukewarm water for half an hour or putting it in boiling water for a short time can also reduce the amount of acrylamide that the product will release later during baking or frying.

When cooking various products, you can avoid the release of toxic substances by using more liquid or some kind of acid, even in the pre-marinating.
