Home Remedies For Daily Home Disinfection

Home Remedies For Daily Home Disinfection
Home Remedies For Daily Home Disinfection

In the autumn-winter period, when everyone risks catching a dangerous virus, the question how to disinfect the home becomes especially relevant.

Disinfection is especially important for families with children. Isolating a sick family member is not always effective and only a thorough cleaning of the room with the help of special tools will help to prevent infection to everyone in the house.

And so, how to properly disinfect at home?

Method number 1. Folk remedies

At home, disinfection can be performed using long-known and proven methods. This can be hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, ammonia and even saturated saline. All of these tools allow you to quickly and easily effectively disinfect your home, guaranteed to clean the premises of pathogens.

Method number 2. Essential oils

Essential oils disinfect the home
Essential oils disinfect the home

You can to disinfect the apartment, using oils placed in special diffusers. Airborne essential oils reliably eliminate viruses and bacteria.

Oils should be used for disinfection with antiseptic effect: tea tree, fir, eucalyptus and lemon.

Advice! Before using essential oils, make sure that you and your family members are not allergic to such products.

Method number 3. UV lamp

Ultraviolet disinfection has long been known in medical institutions. This is a very effective and relatively inexpensive way to cleaning the air of viruses and bacteria. Portable UV lamp can be used at home.

Disinfection is performed in an empty room. All family members and pets should be outdoors during UV treatment. The fish tank, if any, should be covered with a thick blanket. The processing time of the room is 15-20 minutes, after which the room must be ventilated.

Method number 4. Salt lamp

Salt lamp for home disinfection
Salt lamp for home disinfection

Salt crystals, forming ions in the air, destroy most viruses and bacteria. At the same time, the air is saturated with the healthy elements emitted by sea salt. This device allows you to disinfect each room with an area not exceeding 10 m2.

For large rooms salt lamp will be much less effective.

Method number 5. humidifier

This useful device not only increases the humidity in the room, but also contributes to its purification from pathogens. It is only important not to forget to fill the humidifier with clean water from time to time. The device is very popular in families with small children.

How to disinfect?


When you decide to disinfect an apartment with the help of chemical or folk remedies, you should be familiar with the rules of the procedure. First of all, you need to take care to protect your eyes and hands. Many cleansers are very aggressive and can leave burns on unprotected skin and eyes.
