Do Other Fruits Ripen Near Apples?

Do Other Fruits Ripen Near Apples?
Do Other Fruits Ripen Near Apples?

Apples are a fruit that we often choose for breakfast, as it is easily accessible and great for longer storage. Here, however, we will tell you about a slightly lesser known fact, namely the effect of apples on other foods when we talk about longer storage.

It is important for the storage of apples to be placed in a dry and cool place and so you will have them for the whole winter. If you have decided to put them in the refrigerator, do it in the bottom compartment, which is generally intended for fruits and vegetables. There they will be valid for up to 50 days.

rotten fruit
rotten fruit

Wherever you leave them, remember that they continue their ripening process, releasing a gas called ethene, also known as ethylene. There is nothing dangerous in it, as it is completely natural, but it can affect other fruits stored near apples.

The faster a fruit ripens, the faster it will spoil, so it is very important not to leave, for example, bananas, apricots or pears that are also completely ripe or overripe, which also emit small amounts of this gas. so the process will be doubled and as a result in just a few days you will find your basket in the fridge full of rotten fruit.


However, you can also take advantage of this process so that it works in your favor and not harms you. You put incompletely ripe fruit together with an apple in a closed box and soon you can check if the separated ethylene has helped. You will probably be happy with the end result, but at least you will already know what to expect.
