Analysts: The End Of McDonald's Is Near

Analysts: The End Of McDonald's Is Near
Analysts: The End Of McDonald's Is Near

The end of the global fast food chain McDonald's is near. According to forecasts, the last days of the fast food giant are approaching.

The moves of the chain in the last year lead to a certain collapse, experts are categorical. It faces stronger competition than ever. According to acquaintances, McDonald's is in the midst of a major depression. CEO Steve Easterbrook has unveiled his plan to revive the growth of the world's largest fast food chain.

However, the new ideas he is pushing are leading McDonald's to its end. Most likely the reason for this will be the new project All Day Breakfast. The idea of the company was for the project to bring new income, and the menu would include an innovative burger with 30 ingredients.

According to experts, this will not generate new traffic, but on the contrary - will force the company to reduce prices due to the declining flow of customers.

The clientele abandons the company in crowds because they are dissatisfied with both the quality and the speed of execution. Most of them have complained that the amount of food at McDonald's has been declining over the years. This applies to everything on the menu.

Despite the forecasts, a McDonald's spokesman said the new All Day Breakfast menu was a hit. He denies the company any problems. According to him, the innovations in the menu successfully bring both customers and investors back to the giant in the food industry.

At the same time, customer complaints do not subside. Nomurasa analysts, led by Mark Kalinowski, are adamant that we will soon be living in a world without Ronald MacDonald.
