Green Tea Cools In The Heat

Green Tea Cools In The Heat
Green Tea Cools In The Heat

The best way to quench your thirst is tea - whether hot or cold. Green contains vitamin P, which improves blood circulation.

Black, because of caffeine, tones even better. Warm green tea cools in the heat. Nine minutes after drinking a cup, the skin pores open, the body temperature drops by 1-2 degrees and the person feels cold.

Green tea also protects against tooth decay. Studies by English scientists confirm that dental caries is much less common in people who drink green tea every day.

Green tea protects against cancer. Strengthens the body's immune functions and has a beneficial effect on radiation and poisoning.

Green tea slows down the aging process of cells and rejuvenates.

The drink cleanses the blood of cholesterol and other harmful substances and layers on the walls of blood vessels. Protects against high blood pressure and heart disease.

Tea stimulates the urinary system, kidney and bladder functions, treats obesity and beautifies. And zinc, which is found in green tea, plays an important role in the proper course of pregnancy.

Green tea cools in the heat
Green tea cools in the heat

It has a beneficial effect on eye diseases and enhances vision. Maintains the normal functioning of the heart and stomach.

Green tea has a beneficial effect on metabolism. Purifies the body and enhances peristalsis. Stimulates the production of the hormone norepinephrine, which helps burn calories quickly.

Drinking green tea has a particularly good effect on the kidneys and bladder. It contains a large amount of vitamin C and is a strong antioxidant. Neutralizes free radicals, which are the main culprits for aging. That is why many people believe that green tea prolongs life.

It has a very good cleansing effect. Cleanses the blood and blood vessels. It is recommended for smokers because it helps to get rid of harmful substances accumulated faster after prolonged smoking.
