With Olives, Green Tea, Blueberries And Raspberries Against Cancer

With Olives, Green Tea, Blueberries And Raspberries Against Cancer
With Olives, Green Tea, Blueberries And Raspberries Against Cancer

Studies by the American Cancer Research Association in Philadelphia show that green tea, olives and stone fruits contain ingredients that are quite useful and powerful in the fight against cancer. According to scientists, after some time these ingredients could have a strong effect on the disease, and especially a mixture of them may be used as a means to stop the growth of tumors in the body.

In their first study and research, Ohio scientists created a gel based on frozen - dried raspberries, which helped prevent tumors from growing into malignant.

According to the American Cancer Society, oral cancer cells are one of the deadliest forms of cancer, causing about 7,500 deaths a year in the United States alone. This is due to the fact that in this case chemotherapy hardly helps, and removal by surgery is very risky.

In cases where the result is favorable and the patient survives, the consequences are terrible, and in many patients the cancer reappears even after its final removal at the beginning.


Oral cancer is extremely dangerous and society desperately needs more recent results and discoveries about methods of treatment.

Green tea
Green tea

Most cases begin with small benign growths in the oral cavity that are almost invisible. Such were the patients who underwent a study in the Ohio study. The students are divided into groups. In the first group there are 20 who have similar indeterminate educations in their oral cavities and 10 participants who are healthy.

Raspberry gel is applied to problem areas after each meal and at bedtime, using the gel at least four times a day. The gel made from raspberries looks like jam, but does not have the sweetness of raspberries because it does not contain sugar.

After six weeks, the following results are observed: 35% have improved, 45% have stabilized and 20% have deteriorated. No side effects were reported after this attempt.

The researchers experimented with pre-taken cell samples from participants, comparing their pre- and post-treatment performance. Prior to treatment, cells taken from the formations showed high levels of two proteins, iNOS and COX-2. After the prescribed treatment, the indicators for these two proteins show that they have significantly reduced their levels.
