Green Tea

Green Tea
Green Tea

Green tea, also known as Chinese tea, is one of the most common hot drinks in the world. With proven therapeutic and healing properties, green tea contains twice less caffeine than coffee and has a stimulating effect that invigorates without causing the familiar tremor. The so-called tea ceremony has been practiced on the Asian continent for thousands of years. However, drinking green tea is much more than a ceremony, because in some cases it can save lives. According to many studies among drink lovers, the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, tumors and even dental caries is lower.

A distinction must be made between other herbal teas and especially chamomile tea from real green tea. Camellia sinensis is a tea plant, and green tea, widely used in Asian countries, is steamed and dried leaves of this plant. In contrast, traditional English tea, called black, undergoes a fermentation process that gives it a strong aroma and a darker color, but reduces the amount of useful chemical compounds it contains.

In the early 1990s, researchers found that Japanese women practicing the art of the traditional cha-no-yu tea ceremony had lower mortality rates. Numerous studies on the subject prove that the chemical compounds in green tea - mainly polyphenols, which are 30% of the weight of dried leaves, are among the most powerful antioxidants ever found. Antioxidants are compounds that block free radicals that damage cells throughout the body and increase the risk of developing serious diseases such as cancer.

History of green tea

Green tea is well known to people around the world for hundreds of years. Many experts believe that his homeland is Asia and more precisely - China. There are also those who claim that green tea has its origins in the Middle East and Japan. The first records of green tea date back to 780 BC. It was imported to Japan in the 12th century. He quickly entered the monasteries and estates of the rulers. In the beginning, green tea was drunk as a medicine. In the monasteries, the monks used it as a means of keeping them awake during meditation. The British immediately took advantage of the qualities of green teawhen he entered their country in the 17th century. Shortly afterwards, they created their world-famous tradition of drinking tea.

Green tea with mint
Green tea with mint

Ingredients of green tea

Green tea contains huge doses of vitamin C and vitamin P. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of capillaries, reduces their fragility and their destruction, especially in the elderly.

The daily dose of green tea, which is sufficient as a prophylactic measure, amounts to 2-3 cups. The usual dose is 250-300 mg taken once a day. Green tea supplements, which are sold in health food stores and pharmacies, also have a therapeutic effect.

If you are a fan of the tea made from fresh milk, it is good to know that this deprives you of some of its healing properties. The reason for this is that the proteins in milk bind to polyphenols and suppress its healing properties. Green tea contains catechins, which are potential antioxidants - 100 times more powerful than vitamin C. They have been shown to protect cellular DNA from changes that progress to cancer. Black tea also contains catechin, but in much smaller amounts.

Selection and storage of green tea

Buy green tea, which is in tightly closed packages. It is stored in dry and dark places, away from moisture and direct sunlight.

Benefits of green tea

The healing effect and the beneficial effect of green tea on the disease state are enormous. It is used to treat athletic foot, mouth sores, headaches, diarrhea, toothache and gum disease. Green tea is even able to drive away the unpleasant odor of the feet and reduce fever. It is an excellent and proven remedy for the treatment of sunburn, itching and even hemorrhoids. Green tea helps remove heavy metals from the human body.

The magical healing power of this gift of nature is far from limited to these problems in human health. Its preventive and curative properties have been proven in the treatment of many types of cancer. According to numerous studies conducted in China, regular consumption of green tea significantly reduces the risk of stomach and esophageal cancer. Most of the research conducted on the basis of voluntary groups consisting of people who regularly drink green tea and those who do not consume the healthy drink indicate that green tea protects against cancer. Of course, there are studies that do not find a link between tea consumption and cancer prevention.

Composition of green tea
Composition of green tea

Green tea has been shown to be effective in preventing skin cancer. In this case, it is equally effective in the form of a drink or applied to the skin. The protective properties of green tea in tablet form in case of skin damage caused by the sun, as well as its external application in precancerous skin changes are under development. As a result, many cosmetic companies and manufacturers have begun to include green tea in white cosmetics because of its powerful antioxidant properties, which help reduce wrinkles.

Apart from being a prophylactic against cancer, green tea can help people who already have cancer. The catechins in green tea inhibit the production of the enzyme urokinase, which cancer cells need to grow. It is suggested that catechins may also stimulate the process of programmed cell death or apoptosis in these cells. A 7-year study confirmed that breast cancer patients who drank 5 cups of green tea daily had a lower risk of lymph node dislocation than women who drank small amounts of the drink.

The benefits of green tea on heart health are enormous. Polyphenops as powerful antioxidants come to the rescue wherever free radicals have caused some damage, including in the arteries. Everyday a cup or two of green tea can be a strong ally in the fight against heart disease. The chemicals in tea prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.

When cholesterol is attacked by free radicals, it is more likely to be deposited on the arterial walls, which is a step towards the development of cardiovascular disease. In people who regularly drink green tea, the risk of death from a heart problem is 58% lower, according to a study. It also states that the risk of drinking 4 cups of green tea a day is the lowest. The beneficial effect is due to flavonoids, which are a group of compounds, including polyphenols in tea.

Polyphenols have also been shown to protect delicate cerebral blood vessels from damage, which reduces the risk of stroke. Green tea also contains a certain amount of fluoride, which strengthens teeth and reduces the formation of caries. The tannins and polyphenols in green tea suppress bacteria that damage teeth. Studies show that tea improves the resistance of tooth enamel to aggressive acids in the oral cavity.

Green tea contains and astringents, which are strong anti-inflammatory substances. That's why a moist bag of green tea soothes sunburns, hemorrhoids and cold sores. The tea is alkaline and neutralizes the acids that corrode the tissues of open wounds. Green tea stimulates blood circulation and energy in the body. It slows down the aging process and contributes to rejuvenation and longevity. The zinc in green tea is needed for the proper course of pregnancy.

Teapot with green tea
Teapot with green tea

Green tea also stimulates the excretory system, kidney and bladder functions. Strengthens the motor abilities and the nervous system, cures obesity, has a beautifying effect by stretching the skin and opening the pores. Green tea has a proven beneficial effect on eye diseases and overall strengthens the eyes. These medicinal dried leaves are able to regulate the balance between alkalis and acids in the body.

Doctors recommend drinking green tea for a long time in front of a TV or computer. Its intake is important for people who have undergone radiation therapy. Green tea in the daily diet helps to tone, expel fat from the body and strengthens the immune system.

Harms from green tea

There are medical studies that deny it the huge benefits of green tea on human health. According to some studies, its ability to deal with cancer in exaggerated, and according to others - an overdose of polyphenols has led to deaths from experienced rodents and dogs. Over 200 ml of the drink, according to some experts, would be a potentially dangerous dose. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), green tea does not reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
