To Which Dishes Should We Add Pink Pepper?

To Which Dishes Should We Add Pink Pepper?
To Which Dishes Should We Add Pink Pepper?

The pink pepper It is also found under the names pink beans, Brazilian / Peruvian pepper, shinus fruit /. Pink pepper is the fruit of a small flowering tree native to Brazil and Argentina.

Its fruits are similar to those of the plant Piper nigrum, from which other types of pepper are extracted - white, black and green. Despite the similarity, they should not be confused with them.

Pink pepper differs from them with its softer and sweeter taste, mixed with a pleasant fruity aroma. The spice gives the food a spicy taste like chili, not pepper.

If you are wondering what to flavor fish or chicken dishes with, grind the thin shell of the grains with a knife or mortar. The berries are very delicate and break easily.

Also used to flavor:

- sauces;

- leaf salads;

- cheese;

- white meat.

You can also use it for more exotic dishes. It is suitable for ice cream and chocolate because of its fruity aroma.

The pink pepper should be dosed sparingly.

It is part of the colorful pepper offered in stores, combined with black, white and green pepper.

An interesting application is its use in the perfume industry.
