Foods That Do Not Swell The Stomach

Foods That Do Not Swell The Stomach
Foods That Do Not Swell The Stomach

Reason for bloating is the accumulation of gas in the intestines that occurs as a result of the fermentation of certain products.

Fried, legumes, alcohol and carbonated beverages are some of the biggest culprits for bloating. There are products that do not cause bloating.


They even prevent bloating, as they contain beneficial substances that have a good effect on the gastric microflora. These are asparagus, oatmeal and papaya, which can be added to any meal.

Another product that does not cause bloating are young carrots. They work well on the digestive system.

Apricots are well absorbed by the digestive system and do not cause bloating. Eggplants have the same effect.

Swollen belly
Swollen belly

Rusks are easy to digest and do not cause bloating, as well as walnuts. Mango, which contains 60 calories per 100 grams, is a helper in the fight against weight and does not swell the stomach.

Artichoke, which is rich in potassium, is one of the best diuretics in nature. Artichokes should not be overdone, because excessive consumption can cause stomach pain.


Pineapple is a perfect helper in the fight against weight gain. Almonds do not cause bloating, and at the same time have a satiating effect.

Delicious pears improve digestion as well as yogurt. Fruit yogurt also works well on the digestive system.

Green beans
Green beans

Maple syrup also works well on the stomach. It is better absorbed than honey and sugar. Rice also works well on the digestive system.

Skinless chicken meat has the same effect. Pumpkin protects against bloating, as it is well absorbed by the body.

Unlike ripe beans, which have a bloating effect on the abdomen, young green beans, which still do not have threads, are good for digestion and do not swell the abdomen. Another product that does not swell the stomach are quinces and also watermelon, but should be consumed without seeds.
