Why You Should Not Eat Yogurt On An Empty Stomach

Why You Should Not Eat Yogurt On An Empty Stomach
Why You Should Not Eat Yogurt On An Empty Stomach

Opinions on whether breakfast should be hearty or light are quite different. However, it is important to know what foods you should not eat at the beginning of the day, as well as what danger this may pose to your health.

Information about dairy products is very different. In fact, eating them in the morning is not exactly harmful, but it will be useless. However, when we eat a product, we want it not only to give us pleasure with its taste, but also to be useful for our body.

Yogurt, as you know, contains beneficial bacteria that help digest food. So if all these beneficial bacteria end up on an empty stomach, then they are simply absorbed by the aggressive gastric juice, and our body does not get any beneficial effect from this dairy product. Therefore, to be true useful yogurt, it should be consumed after you have already eaten.

It is for the above reasons that experienced nutritionists advise you to consume dairy products after breakfast, and not to be your first food of the day. For example, you can have breakfast with porridge (oatmeal, semolina and others). In this way, this breakfast will set up a kind of digestion of the necessary wool and will charge your body with the necessary energy.


This also applies to other products, such as coffee or juice, for example. They should also be consumed after your first meal of the day. Experts also advise not to start your day with breakfast as a sandwich with white bread.

The yeast contained in it will certainly cause fermentation and bloating. If you want to eat a sandwich, then it is much better to do it with black bread, and then eat your favorite yoghurt.

As you already know, it is pointless to have breakfast with yogurt in the morningas the beneficial bacteria in it will die quickly in the aggressive stomach environment.

Thus, practically nothing will reach the intestines, so that this product can actually help digestion. Therefore, if you like to eat yogurt, our advice is to do it after breakfast.
