Foods That Do Not Cause Heaviness In The Stomach

Foods That Do Not Cause Heaviness In The Stomach
Foods That Do Not Cause Heaviness In The Stomach

In recent years, proper and healthy eating has become an increasingly popular trend. However, this is not just fashion, but rather people are beginning to understand the importance of taking care of their health.

If you do not choose your food and eat everything in a row, then very soon you can have serious problems with the digestive tract, as well as have a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. All this can significantly reduce your quality of life, but also cause you a feeling of discomfort. That is why it is important to accept lighter food that does not cause heaviness in the stomach. In this way you will protect yourself from various diseases, as light food is absorbed much easier by our body.

It is a misconception that only harmful foods can be delicious and today we will show you the exact opposite. For some people, food can replace the pleasures of life. It is for them both a hobby, an adventure and a pastime.

Thousands of people around the world are literally addicted to fast food, and for them it's like a real drug to which they are addicted. It is difficult to list all the harmful and even dangerous ingredients in these foods. You should not wait for your health to deteriorate and only then think about how important it is to take care of it and eat properly.

When eating, you should choose foods that lead to less formation of hydrochloric acid and gastric secretion. That is why it is important to follow the following rules:

- Minimize the use of spices by leaving in your diet mainly salt, herbs and garlic;

- give up the consumption of alcoholic beverages altogether;

- Exclude from your diet spicy, fried and fatty foods;

- do not drink water immediately after eating;

- Minimize the use of coffee and black tea;

- eat small portions;

- do not make long breaks between meals;

- Never miss breakfast.

Here they are foods that do not cause heaviness in the stomach:

boiled potatoes are good for the stomach
boiled potatoes are good for the stomach

1. Boiled potatoes

They contain many different nutrients, such as enzymes that help break down food and digest it. In addition, they are rich in starch, which protects the mucous membrane from aggressive influences. It also contains many different minerals and vitamins. The juice of this raw vegetable is even used very often in the treatment of gastritis and ulcers.

2. Rice

This is a truly unique product that must be present in your menu. It is saturated with many complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is the liquid from cooked rice that is often used in acute infections of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the treatment of gastritis and ulcers. The substances in it protect the mucous membrane from toxins, binding them and carefully removing them. That way they soothe the stomach, improve general condition and digestion.

3. Oats

It has similar properties to rice, but unlike it, it has a mild laxative effect. In our stomach, oatmeal "collects" all unnecessary substances for our body, including salts, toxins and heavy metals.

4. Apples

They are the champions of the pectin content, thus helping to cleanse the stomach and saturate our body with many useful vitamins and minerals. They improve appetite and help with constipation. In any case, do not abuse the sour varieties, as they can be eaten baked with honey and cinnamon or added to desserts or other dishes.

5. Yogurt

It is saturated with many beneficial bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines. Improves peristalsis and digestion, and also contributes to better metabolism. Choose skim and natural products without sugar, and if desired you can diversify them with fresh fruit.

6. Bananas

They are saturated with potassium and relieve the feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. You can consume them even in larger quantities, because the potassium in them neutralizes sodium and so you will not harm your body in any way. They help with bloating, as they belong to the list of foods that are light and do not burden the stomach.

7. Asparagus

asparagus is a snack for the stomach
asparagus is a snack for the stomach

They are rich in probiotics, which help with bloating, removing gas and reducing the feeling of heaviness. They are also useful if you have a problem with excess fluid in your body. This is a wonderful and very light product that helps regulate the work of the digestive system.

8. Dill

One of the most popular remedies used in folk medicine for bloating and a feeling of heaviness. It can be added to various dishes and salads.

9. Wheat

This cereal has an extremely rich composition: 10 vitamins, 20 minerals, more than 11% protein, complex carbohydrates, starch, fatty acids, including unsaturated. It is recommended in the diet because it reduces the weight in the stomach and care for better digestion.

10. Broccoli

They are rich in fiber, while having antioxidant and anti-tumor effects. They are also rich in pectin, saturate quickly and do not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. It is recommended to be consumed in the treatment of ulcers and saturates the body with many bioactive substances.

Stomach heaviness after eating can be the result of eating mistakes, bad habits or serious pathologies. If this unpleasant symptom recurs, it is necessary to identify and treat the cause. Take care of your health prematurely, and don't wait for a health problem to occur to think about it. Proper, healthy and light nutrition is the key to good self-esteem.
