First Aid If You Have Gained A Few Pounds

First Aid If You Have Gained A Few Pounds
First Aid If You Have Gained A Few Pounds

After the holidays and a hearty meal, many people already feel that they have gained a few kilos above their normal weight. We don't need to panic about that. The good news is that fast weight gain they usually come off quickly. We only need to briefly adhere to a certain diet and exercise, which will successfully bring us back to normal.

Tea melts pounds

It is known that some teas dramatically speed up the metabolism. This is especially useful after a period of laziness and eating on your stomach. Champions in speeding up metabolism are green tea, ginger tea, mate, licorice and turmeric. Drinks are pleasantly warm - do not wait for them to cool down, as the effect will not be good enough.

Skip a few nights

Weight loss by a few pounds
Weight loss by a few pounds

Try to give up the last meal of the day for a few days. This will allow your body to burn more calories than usual and burn fat faster. It is known that eating late leads to gaining weight, as well as carbohydrate intake in the evening. Therefore, if it is not possible to completely deprive yourself of dinner, at least refuse the consumption of carbohydrate foods after 17-18 hours. Follow this regimen for a week and you will quickly get rid of a few extra pounds.

Try fasting

Fasting or fast days are periods lasting from 16 to 36 hours, during which nothing but tea, water and coffee are taken. These are peculiar periods of strict fasting that lead to a very quick and lasting liberation from accumulated a few pounds. These days are part of some popular modern diets, but they can also be made on their own - without following a different diet. It is good to perform during the periods of the Full Moon or when the Moon is in the first and third quarters. During these periods, during complete fasting, a more effective release of toxins occurs, which helps the weight loss process.

Move actively

First aid if you have gained a few pounds
First aid if you have gained a few pounds

You can help lose calories by dramatically increasing physical activity. For at least a week, increase the amount of distance traveled during the day. Walk at least a few hours a day. Combined with the above tips, this will lead to speed getting rid of a few pounds in more and to quickly get back in shape.
