December 9 Is The Sweetest Day: Cake Day

December 9 Is The Sweetest Day: Cake Day
December 9 Is The Sweetest Day: Cake Day

If you love sweets, then your day is about to become even tastier. December 9 is a time to pay tribute Sweet Day. So if you feel unwell to get a sweet cookie before you start working, or to enjoy a piece of apple pie in the afternoon, then today everything is allowed!

History of the Day of Sweet Things

The first sweets in history are found in ancient times, in the time of the Romans and Greeks in the form of various dishes and delicacies. In the Middle Ages, things got more serious when the first pastry chefs appeared, using fat and butter to make a thicker and fluffier pie-like cake.

In the following years, confectionery became a very serious business, and the demand for pies and pastries has always been most pronounced among the rich, not the peasants. During these years, hundreds of delicious confectionery bases appeared, on the back of which is written the current history of bakeries, where hundreds of types of pastry are made.

Confectioners now enjoy even greater respect than the Middle Ages. In each of the largest and most luxurious hotels in the world there is a place of honor in the kitchen for confectioners and their incredible delicious magic.

Indeed the roots of Pastry Day they are not easy to find, but there is no doubt that such delicious food deserves its feast.

How to celebrate Sweet Day

As you may have guessed - quite easy! The amount of cake recipes is endless - vanilla multi-layered dessert, eclairs, strudel, Danish pastries, pies with all kinds of fillings, baklava, quiche and more. etc. There is a large set of sweet temptations, among which you can find your loved ones and enjoy them by buying from them or just bake if you have more free time.

If you feel adventurous, try making your own pie. Whatever you do, be sure to enjoy these sweet or spicy treats with your friends, family or colleagues.

And if you do everything for yourself - we will not tell anyone!
