Sweet Holiday! December Is The Month Of The Pear

Sweet Holiday! December Is The Month Of The Pear
Sweet Holiday! December Is The Month Of The Pear

If you have pear in your yard, you probably watch it day after day, impatient for the ripening of the fruit.

Pears were cultivated more than 4,000 years ago. Coming from the Caucasus, they were distributed from Asia and Europe to North America. Today pears are considered a safe product in every American supermarket, but compared to fruits such as apples and oranges, pears remain slightly neglected and we rarely include them in our daily menu.

December - the month of the pear, is here to change that!

History of the Pear Moon

December has been officially announced by the US Department of Agriculture as the month for people to learn about recognition. the ripeness of the pear and how to make the most of these seasonal fruits. The tradition was created in 2011 after a survey, according to which 84% of buyers can not understand when the pear is ripe when shopping in a grocery store.

The best way to check if a pear is ripe is to check the handle of the pear.

Cupcakes with whole pears
Cupcakes with whole pears

This month was chosen due to the fact that most pears, especially the 10 types of northwestern pears, are harvested in December.

Pears also have a high nutritional value, contain more fiber than bananas, oranges and strawberries. This fruit is also hypoallergenic, safe for people with allergies and has pectin, which helps control high cholesterol.

The month of the pear encourages people to eat more of these healthy fruits and be more creative with pear recipes because they are ideal for fruit pies, fruit cakes because of their light texture and flavor.

As part of this pear festival in America, national tours and competitions for chefs are being created, in which the qualities of the use of pears. It brings light to the question of how pears can improve our overall health and life.

How to celebrate the month of pears

Pear cake
Pear cake

Photo: Elena Stefanova Yordanova

One of the best ways to celebrate months of pears is to buy pears from a local grocery store or farm and cook something delicious with them. There are thousands of recipes online that you can find and experiment with what pears can do to add flavor and variety to your menu.

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