The Sweetest Plant In The World

The Sweetest Plant In The World
The Sweetest Plant In The World

Until recently, stevia was thought to be the sweetest plant in the world, which could virtually replace sugar without having its harmful effects.

It turns out, however, that the sweetest plant is the kethemph bushwhich grows only in West Africa. This plant is recognized as the sweetest representative of the flora in the world.

The kethemf shrub contains a special substance called toumatin. It is 100,000 times sweeter than sugar, but has no harmful effects on the body.

If you dissolve only ten grams of the substance toumatin in one ton of water, the liquid that will be obtained will be quite sweet in taste. The substance toumatin is yet to be used in the production of various sugar substitutes.

So far, the kethemf bush grows only in the wild and its cultivation has not begun. However, the locals have been using it for centuries to make various drinks. People who have used the plant claim that its taste is amazing and its sweetness differs from that of sugar in intensity.


According to scientists, the cultivation of ultra-sweet plants can make a real revolution in the production of sweet products that do no harm to the body.

An extract from the African ketamf bush can work wonders both in the confectionery industry and in the preparation of sweeteners for medicines, especially those for children.

The extraction of the substance toumatin from the kethemf bush is now still being improved, but the future belongs to this type of plant, as it will be much cheaper than growing and processing sugar cane and sugar beet.

Attempts have already been made to grow the kethemf bush in conditions close to natural, and mass production of toumatin sweeteners is expected to begin soon.
