Homemade Brandy Can Be Brewed Only Between July And December

Video: Homemade Brandy Can Be Brewed Only Between July And December

Video: Homemade Brandy Can Be Brewed Only Between July And December
Video: What is brandy? 2024, October
Homemade Brandy Can Be Brewed Only Between July And December
Homemade Brandy Can Be Brewed Only Between July And December

From next year home made rakia in our country it will be possible to boil only in the period from July 1 to December 31. Boiler owners who decide to ignore the legal period will have to notify the Customs Agency within 14 days.

This was decided by the deputies from the Budget Committee at the suggestion of MP Emil Dimitrov from the Patriotic Front. Other changes will be introduced under the Excise Duties and Tax Warehouses Act.

Their goal is to reduce losses from excise duties and illegal distillation of alcohol. In addition, changes in the law will limit the use of raw materials of unknown origin, which can be dangerous to health.

The changes were supported by the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria and the Wine Chamber.

The innovations will directly affect all owners of brandy pots. Only pots with a volume of up to 500 liters will be considered as small distillation objects, and not up to 1000 liters, as required by the current regulations.

Home made rakia
Home made rakia

In practice, this will mean that the owners of smaller brandy pots will reduce the excise rate on what they produce. Now the tax is 550 levs per hectolitre of pure alcohol only for small producers, while for all others it is 1000 levs per hectolitre.

Owners of pots with a volume of more than 500 liters, in addition to having to register with the Customs Agency, will also have to be licensed as tax warehouses.

However, the brandy producers themselves do not agree with the new changes. According to them, the new norms will only force the owners of cauldrons to brew illegally, although it is difficult to hide brandy in small establishments.

No one has the right to stop the pots! The cauldrons are given to the people to use. It is impossible! The people themselves will revolt and there will be an internal war here - categorical for the producers in front of btv.
