Drink Cocoa Every Day For 3 Months And You Will Rejuvenate

Drink Cocoa Every Day For 3 Months And You Will Rejuvenate
Drink Cocoa Every Day For 3 Months And You Will Rejuvenate

The magic elixir of youth, which will keep our minds in shape even in old age, is the cocoa drink. Just 3 months of regular consumption and you will rejuvenate your brain by up to 20 years, a new study shows.

Due to the content of cocoa flavonoids, the drink can restore the weakened memory caused by advancing age. Usually people's memory begins to betray them at about the age of 50.

That's when they need to start drinking more regularly cocoa, according to a study in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

The study was conducted with people suffering from Alzheimer's and dementia. Three months after a diet rich in cocoa flavonoids, the memory of the elderly began to recover.

The changes were visible after their brains were scanned before and after the experiments.

When we looked in detail at the brain scans of the study participants, we found a significant improvement in the function of one of the key sub-areas in the hippocampus, says the research team.


The study involved 37 people aged between 50 and 60 years. They were divided into two groups. The first group took 900 mg of cocoa flavonoids per day, and the second group - only 10 mg.

At the end of the three-month period of the study, the participants from the first group showed the improvement of the tests for memory assessment.

Cocoa drink is also indicated as a natural antidepressant, as it contains enzymes that release the hormones of happiness - serotonin and dopamine. It is recommended to promote a positive attitude in people who experience strong anxiety and fear of the future.

Drinking a cup of hot cocoa gives the same energy-boosting results as the same size cup of coffee, without experiencing heart problems like a caffeinated beverage.
