How To Energize Our Water Ourselves?

Video: How To Energize Our Water Ourselves?

Video: How To Energize Our Water Ourselves?
Video: How to Energize your water. Create Vibrant Water 2025, January
How To Energize Our Water Ourselves?
How To Energize Our Water Ourselves?

Water is the main source of life for all beings. Without food a person can last a very long time, but without water - only one day.

The water that flows in the taps of our homes has various impurities in its structure. Examples are chlorine and limestone. They disrupt its natural energy and molecular order. However, the water in the human body is structured. This causes the fluid structures to collide and the body may feel unwell.

Everyone can structure water and thus energize it. To do this, it must be frozen and then thawed.

Another option is by boiling or stirring with a silver spoon. Silver has the beneficial property of removing harmful microorganisms.

The structuring of water can also be done with semi-precious stones. Pour it into a bowl of rose quartz and amethyst. Leave to stand for half an hour.

The amplification of the energy field of water is possible through various metals and magnets. To avoid adverse external influences, it should be poured into clay, glass or copper vessels.

Water is energized by placing electronic copper coils or magnets in it. The liquid must be stirred for a long time. Living, energized water has a purifying and toning effect on the body.

With such water can relieve rheumatic diseases, remove dark circles under the eyes.

Some use only energized water to water fruits and vegetables in their gardens. This further enhances their health qualities.

Drink energized water or one that has been exposed to direct sunlight daily. Whenever you take in the life-giving fluid, give thanks for having it. Send positive messages not only to yourself but also to the world around you. However, in many places on Earth, water is a luxury for many people.

Remember that water takes away negative energy while we drink and bathe. According to many claims, it washes away bad feelings and energy pollution, stress and fear.
