What To Eat With A Bloated Stomach

What To Eat With A Bloated Stomach
What To Eat With A Bloated Stomach

Swollen abdomen causes extreme discomfort not only to us but also to others. The reason is the sounds that our stomach reproduces.

The most likely causes of bloating are:

- excess fat;

- lactose intolerance (dairy products);

- irritable bowel syndrome - this syndrome is a combination of abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea;

- intolerance to certain foods;

- sodium or potassium imbalance, which causes water retention in the body;

- hormonal imbalance.

Several will be suggested in this article useful foods for bloated stomach. They help us overcome the discomfort.


Useful snack for bloated stomach
Useful snack for bloated stomach

It is good in the morning for our breakfast to be mainly fruit, and for lunch and dinner to eat salads that we like to taste. It is important to have variety in the selection of products so that we can get the maximum amount of vitamins, fiber and minerals that different fruits and vegetables contain.


There is no dish that does not become tastier when we taste it. For dealing with bloated abdomen we need to use different spices like mint, rosemary, parsley, dill and ginger. It is important to use them while they are fresh, instead of reaching for dry spices. To eliminate the swelling, we can chew a sprig of fresh parsley or dill. Another option is to make mint tea by adding a little honey and ginger.


Garlic can help if you complain of a bloated stomach
Garlic can help if you complain of a bloated stomach

Garlic is extremely useful for any stomach problems because it contains antioxidants, is antibacterial and has antifungal properties.


This product is rich in fiber. Therefore, instead of resorting to various drugs and medications, we can use artichokes.


Eat muesli with bloated stomach
Eat muesli with bloated stomach

Like artichokes, oatmeal is a food rich in fiber, which helps the intestines to function properly, and thanks to this we get rid of bloated stomach and gas.

Apple vinegar

Helps balance microorganisms and speeds up metabolism.


Yogurt is useful for bloating
Yogurt is useful for bloating

Yogurt contains lactobacilli, which accelerate the processing of food and prevent our stomach from bloating. If you are allergic to various dairy products and lactose in general, this type of product will not help you and it would be most reasonable to focus on one of the other options we have already mentioned.


Fruit containing a lot of cellulose, which helps maintain tissues in the intestines and gastrointestinal tract.
