The Right Foods For Intestinal Detoxification

The Right Foods For Intestinal Detoxification
The Right Foods For Intestinal Detoxification

Intestinal detoxification is extremely important for the proper functioning of the body. To cleanse your body of toxins, in addition to regular consumption of water and tea, it is necessary to consume foodrepresenting natural diuretics.

These can be fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, legumes, seeds.

1. Flaxseed

Flaxseed-rich omega-3 fatty acids successfully restores the balance of the intestinal flora. It is enough to start your day with a spoonful or two of ground flaxseed, adding it to yogurt, and you will immediately feel its effect.

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal for intestinal detox
Oatmeal for intestinal detox

Fiber-rich oatmeal may be the first helper in intestinal detoxification. With their regular consumption, you provide yourself with a delicious breakfast and cleansing of the colon from the accumulated toxins.

3. Fresh fruits and vegetables

All fruits and vegetables help the proper and smooth functioning of the intestines, as they are rich in fiber. Among them, however, stand out a few that have a proven laxative effect. These are pears, pumpkin, grapes, prunes, apples, papaya, strawberries, cherries, kiwis, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage.

4. Legumes

Legumes cleanse the intestines
Legumes cleanse the intestines

In addition to protein, legumes are also rich in plant fiber and help the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Raw seeds and nuts

Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds - all these raw seeds and nuts are rich in fat, but at the same time their consumption in moderation leads to normal functioning of the colon.

6. Kefir

Kefir for intestinal detoxification
Kefir for intestinal detoxification

Photo: Sevdalina Irikova

Kefir is not respected in our country and is not present at every table, but if you consume it regularly, you will be satisfied with the result. It improves the work of the colon, has an antibacterial effect, prevents the development of many gastrointestinal diseases, stimulates digestion and removes accumulated slag and toxins in the intestine.

Regular intake of these products, drinking plenty of water and tea, as well as moderate physical activity guarantee you normal intestinal peristalsis and daily intestinal detoxification, which is very important for the proper functioning of the whole organism.

Also try to avoid fried, greasy, pasta and confectionery products.
